me heid Daniel Bürkle
Lecturer in linguistics at the University of Central Lancashire

Teaching and research focus


The acquisition of sentence alternations: How children understand and use the English dative alternation. PhD thesis, University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand).
The touchscreen as an attention measure: Evidence from a dative alternation study. Pages 14-23 in Proceedings of the 15th Texas Linguistics Society Conference.
The English dative alternation: Evidence from first language acquisition. Presented at Arizona Linguistics Circle 8, University of Arizona, Tucson. (preprint of paper, pdf)
The English dative alternation: Evidence from first language acquisition (full-size pdf). Poster at the 9th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.
book note on James W. Underhill's Humboldt, worldview and language. Language in Society 43.3:362–363. DOI 10.1017/S004740451400027X
Weight effects in the acquisition of English. MA thesis, Universität Konstanz (Germany).
Gender assignment of English loan nouns in German. BA thesis, Universität Stuttgart (Germany).

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